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 Visegrad for Sustainability V4SDG 

Established in 2018, V4SDG has grown into a non-profit organisation of over 30 young professionals working on these objectives. They’ve initiated projects with the Visegrad Countries but will now soon expand to the rest of Central Eastern Europe.
Taskeylens is truly honored to collaborate as an External Project Partner of the V4SDG for Sustainability initiatives. We are thoroughly excited to exchange our expertise and ideas both on educational and technological aspects of those projects that are carried out by working in tandem to achieve the 17 SDGs. One of the objectives set forth by Taskeylens is to work on socio-economic and environmental frameworks to make an impact at the ground level using technology and creating awareness through advocacy and educational initiatives. This partnership is much needed in today’s current scenario where, we as humans are now witnessing an unprecedented effect of Climate Change and Global Warming on regular intervals. We hope that working under this strategic partnership will bring a meaningful direction in achieving the objectives set forth in the upcoming years. We look forward to make a significant impact on students who can be nascent leaders and change makers of tomorrow bearing the torch for all to follow in making our planet become more sustainable for all to live.  

 Taskeylens feels proud to announce that our Founder and President, Mr. Emmanuel Joseph has been unanimously selected as the V4SDG Lab member to initiate the flagship projects of V4SDG Poland for sustainability. As the BRAND AMABASSADOR and member of the prestigious V4SDG LAB, he will be taking active participation in SDG related projects in POLAND, SLOVAKIA, CZECH REPUBLIC & HUNGARY and in other CEE countries.

Projects to be undertaken and/or in progress:  

a) FOODOMETER an app that tracks food waste at specific control points in the food supply chain and production cycle.

b) NOBINS an app that would mitigate the problem of daily unconsumed food that gets wasted due to unsold stocks of expired packaged food at the supermarkets and even at household levels.

c) Project based solutions using technology; in order to tackle issues like poverty, health care, human-trafficking and mass immigration due to lack of opportunities and human displacement mainly because of climate change, depravity in education system leading to detrimental impacts on basic and higher education.

d) Driven towards anchoring and boosting empowerment by way of conducting workshops and seminars for young students to create awareness on SDGs and other social projects.

To know more about our educational initiatives on SDG's click here


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NIP 5223154174
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Contact us

Tel: +48 22 657 0220
Mob: +48 573 978 711