Taskeylens is an International IT & Education Service providing company and is a licensed training institute based in Warsaw, Poland(Company registration no. KRS0000776894 & Training License #CIZ.II.4052.258.2020.PW). We work within students, professionals, educational and commercial institutions providing end to end services in IT and Education. Our Education Service programs involve developing career strategies and goals, organizing educational tours, skill development workshops and seminars. Our IT Services range from developing web applications, mobile apps, designing and providing microsoft cloud based service.
Our mission is to provide students and professionals with the most comprehensive and complete educational experience that brings their learning engagements and career objectives together. Our objectives stand girded on three of our important pillars ACCESS, FOSTER & REACH. We provide a platform for students & professionals in making their international careers reach newer heights.
Taskeylens fully discerns your expectations when it comes to overseas opportunities and the myriad challenges faced in making that one right move. We at Taskeylens believe that; you can do more only when you get to know more. In other words, we endeavor in bringing resources that can make a huge impact through learning and once shared it can bring tremendous improvement in one’s ability to progress ahead in life, leading towards a better self-realization.
Our teams are created to work on specific intakes and are comprised of professionals, dedicated to meet the ever changing needs of today's aspiring and ever growing global talent space. Taskeylens boasts in its workforce, infrastructure to put forth a seamless ideology .i.e. to provide a conspicuous "ACCESS" to a world class education across the globe to "FOSTER" vibrant aspirants in exposing their potentials and letting them make a mark without any impediments and to make talents & skills "REACH" their paramount career objectives.